Monday, December 21, 2015

Diigo Discussion Questions

1 You can also organize and store information on your computer with folders.
2 I learned some new information on each of the topics. For example I learned that you need a separate permit to purchase long guns in New Jersey.
3 Some other social bookmarking sites are BibSonomy, Dropjack, and Squidoo.
4 I will not continue to social bookmark. It won't be useful for me.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Invisible Cloak for a Day

     In my day wearing an invisible cloak I was able to be an unrecognized hero. I was able to do a lot but the big thing was saving a persons life who feel out of a 23rd story window. I was just walking down the street. I had just bought a nice New York City corn dog. I had some nice ketchup and french fries on the side. I had gotten a water bottle too. It was nice because I didn't have to pay for any of it. Everyone around me was scared that food was flying around and disappearing at the same time. One guy tried to take it so I started to run.
     Once I began to run away he started to chase after me. I wasn't sure what was going through his head that he wanted the food that much. It even got so hectic that a news truck started to follow. We were going left and than right down the streets as I tried to loose him. All of this stopped when I saw a man hanging from a window. He was screaming and no one had noticed. He wasn't loud enough to hear him over all of the New York noise. I had to do something so I called the police. I told them the address and they came to save him. I went home and never felt better. I saw everything about  floating food and a man hanging from a window saved from a mysterious phone call. It was the best day of my life. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

RSS Feed Discussion Question

     I selected the sites that I subscribed to because they were news sites, government owned sites, and my personal interests. It was simple to find them if you searched for the one that you wanted with rss feed after it (ex: NBC News RSS Feed). My favorite two sites were Treyarch and Activision because they are my interests. You could also use rss feeds for getting all your information in one place. I don't think that I will use rss feeds because I don't really like the way it is. It's different than what I am used to so I am not comfortable with it.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Do Now 11/30

     One of the people that I am most grateful for is my mom. My mom knows whats best for me. She always tells me to do the right thing and helps me when I need it. She keeps a roof over my head and puts the food that I eat on the table. No matter what I know that she will always be there for me. I love my mom and she loves me.
     Another person that I am most grateful for is my sister. She is an inspiration to me to be such a hard worker. She is always doing what ever it takes to follow her dreams. She is a very smart and independent woman. I am grateful that I have such a grate person to look up to. I know that hard work can pay off because of her. My sister is, in a way,  my idol.
     For the Thanksgiving holidays my family has the same tradition every year. My mom's side of the family goes to my Aunt's house. We sit, eat, and just talk about was has been going on in our lives. We eat stuffing, turkey, and other traditional foods for Thanksgiving. It's nice to have a day with my family to just relax with the people that I'm closest to.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tech Article 12/4

Doctors Could 3-D Print Micro-Organs with New Technique
Stem CellsScientists say 3D-printed structures loaded with embryonic stem cells could one day help doctors print out micro-organs for transplant patients.
Embryonic stem cells, obtained from human embryos, van develop into any kind of cell in the body, such as brain tissue, heart cells or bone. This property makes them ideal for use in regenerative medicine - repairing and replacing damaged cells, tissues, and organs. article.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

W-R Wikipedia Page Findings

1 Name
2 Principal
3 Grades
4 Picture
5 Enrollment
6 Student-Teacher Ratio
7 Eligible for Free Lunch
8 Eligible for Reduced Lunch
9 Faculty
10 Sports

Wiki Dissection E.R.

1 The purpose is to tell you about disruptive technology in the classroom.
2 November 7, 2007 2:53 a.m.
3 It was created on wikispaces. They created an acount and than the wiki.
4 More modern technology like cell phones or tablets.
5 I learned that the term disruptive technology was first coined in The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton Christensen, first published in 1997.
6 It would be about Call of Duty.
7 It could be used to teach someone about a subject that the class was learning.
  1. What is the purpose of this Wiki?
  2. When was the last post?
  3. How was this Wiki created/designed?
  4. What would you add to this particular wiki?
  5. What did you learn after reading this wiki?
  6. If you had to create a Wiki with a team, what would be the specific topic (s)?
  7. How can Wikis be used in the classroom or in education?

Monday, November 9, 2015

Do Now 11/9

     Over the break I had went to game-stop and bought a new game Call of Duty Black Ops 3. I played that game over the entire brake with my friends online. It's a first person shooter with three different modes, campaign, multiplayer, and zombies. I had played multiplayer for the majority of the break. I had also played zombies for a short period of time. This is my new favorite game that I will be playing for a lot of my time after school.
     Another thing that I did was sleep. It was nice to get a chance to sleep in on a weekday. I also had walked my dogs. I have to walk them at least four times a day because I live in an apartment complex. I used to live a house which made it easier because I could just let them out in the backyard. It can be a bit annoying when I am in the middle of a Call of Duty grind.
CoD Black Ops 3

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tech Article 11/4

Atom Smasher Probes Highest Energies Yet
     Scientists at the world's largest atom smasher have made a precise tall of the jumbled cascade of particles produced when two proton beams are smashed together. The results could help researchers discover new types of particles.
     Researchers at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland sent two beams of protons hurtling in opposite directions and crashed them together at the highest energy level yet achieved at the LHC. The research is part of the 150,000 proton-proton collisions the researchers identified, about 22 charged particles (hadrons) were produced. article

Monday, November 2, 2015

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

I learned that the instant you create a doodle it is copyrighted.
You can use copyrighted things for education and its okay.
Most images online are copyrighted.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Tech Article 10/30

Swim for the Earth: 3D-Printed Bikini Scrubs Water Pollution
     When most people swim in the ocean, they're likely not thinking about how they can mop up pollution as they splash around, but a team of researchers have created a 3D-printed bathing suit that could do just that.
     Engineers from the University of California, Riverside, teamed up with designers from Eray Carbajo, an architecture and design firm based in New York City, to design a bikini that can absorb contaminants from water while a person swims. The suit keeps the materials locked up in its fabric. It can absorb up to 25 times its own weight. This suit can be reused 20 times before it begins to lose its absorbency. At that point, it can be replaced with new sponge padding, and the old padding can be recycled, so that the contaminants can be safely extracted and dealt with. article

Monday, October 19, 2015

Do Now 10/19

Google forms can be used in my life by taking surveys about the service at stores or restaurants. It could also be used to make a survey about a new product, asking what you would like it to be(color, design, ect.).

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Driverless Cars Tech Article 10/9

Toyota has become the latest car manufacturer to test a driverless vehicle on a public road.
The car, a modified Lexus GS was tested on Tokyo's Shuto Expressway, where it carried out a range of automated manoeuvres. These included merging into highways, changing lanes and keeping intercehicular distance.

Nissan has promised to put an automated car on Japan's roads as early as 2016.

Google is already testing its self-driving cars on US city streets. And Tesla chief executive Elon Musk said in July his company was "almost ready" to make its cars go driverless on main roads and parallel-park themselves.(article)

Friday, October 2, 2015

Tech Article 10/2

Glove Translates Sign Language Into Speech and Text
     ​Designer Hadeel Ayoub​, a Goldsmiths, University of London student, created a glove that translates sign language into text and speech. Actually, she's created three different prototypes, the latest of which incorporates a text-to-speech chip to say out loud what's being signed so that the blind can actually hear the deaf. As outlined in Ayoub's full academic report, the main goal is to improve communication between "the hearing, speech and visually impaired."​
     The glove works by using several flex sensors attached to the fingers that record their position. An accelerometer​ keeps track of which way the glove is oriented. All of this data feeds into a computer program that identifies the gestures and displays the correct output. article

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Apple Pencil Tech Article 9/25

     You may never have seen Apple Pencil before, but you already know how to use it. From the first moment, it does what you expect, and then far more. Apple Pencil gives you a variety of tools in a single instrument.
     The lightning- fast responsiveness of Apple Pencil separates it from other creative tools. That's because its latency has been reduced to an almost imperceptible level.
     iPad Pro knows whether you're using your finger or Apple Pencil. There's only milliseconds between the image you have in your mind and the one you see on the display.
     Just 15 seconds provides you enough charge for half an hour of use. A full charge gets you twelve hour's worth of scribbling, sketching, annotating, and editing.  article

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

     One of my classes is geometry, taught by Ms.Ames(her page). So far in her class we went over some basic algebra as a review and started to learn other things. I have learned things like colliner and coplanar. They have to do with lines and planes. What I expect to learn in her class are things about graphs, lines, area, volume, etc. So far what I have expected to learn is being taught. Ms.Ames seems to be like a good teacher so I am glad I have her.
     In her class we use TTM(Think Through Math), Khan Academy, and something called remind. We signed up for remind on our phones and it sends us texts of homework that we have and dates of upcoming tests and quizzes. TTM and Khan Academy are both used for learning purposes. They are good for practicing what's we are learning in class.

     It's weird to be in the class because it is a tenth grade class and I am a ninth grader. There a couple of other ninth graders with me but it is still awkward. There are some kids that are in tenth grade from soccer so I sit and talk with them. The class is a bit slow which makes it easier than I anticipated.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Microsoft Hololens Tech Article 9/18

Microsoft HoloLens is the first fully untethered, see-through holographic computer. It enables high-definition holograms to come to life in your world, seamlessly integrating with your physical places, spaces, and things. We call this experience mixed reality. Holograms mixed with your real world will unlock all-new ways to create, communicate, work, and play. article