Monday, November 30, 2015

Do Now 11/30

     One of the people that I am most grateful for is my mom. My mom knows whats best for me. She always tells me to do the right thing and helps me when I need it. She keeps a roof over my head and puts the food that I eat on the table. No matter what I know that she will always be there for me. I love my mom and she loves me.
     Another person that I am most grateful for is my sister. She is an inspiration to me to be such a hard worker. She is always doing what ever it takes to follow her dreams. She is a very smart and independent woman. I am grateful that I have such a grate person to look up to. I know that hard work can pay off because of her. My sister is, in a way,  my idol.
     For the Thanksgiving holidays my family has the same tradition every year. My mom's side of the family goes to my Aunt's house. We sit, eat, and just talk about was has been going on in our lives. We eat stuffing, turkey, and other traditional foods for Thanksgiving. It's nice to have a day with my family to just relax with the people that I'm closest to.

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